January 11, 2012

World War III is Imminent

World War III will occur before the Anticrhist appears to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. After the Third World War, the New Temple Will Be Rebuilt for Antichrist, Not Jesus Christ. A one-world government with a one-world religion will be established, the anti-Christian kingdom prophesied in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation. This one-world power will offer apparent peace and security to a world in chaos. The devil, Satan, will establish his earthly kingdom for "a little season," so that he as God will stand in the holy place, showing himself that he is God, and he will deceive many with his signs and wonders. - Satan's Final Deception Before Christ Returns

The Rockefeller faction in the U.S. is building up the military; they’re trying to get the Western countries on a full, militarized basis to prepare for World War III. They want to reduce population and they want to wipe out the Chinese. And they don’t want to lose control. They don’t want to lose power. They still have their Messianic, fascist, cultist beliefs that they are destined to rule humanity. The Israeli newspapers openly referred to China and Russia and Iran as Magog, and the G5 and G7 as Gog. They were trying to get all these countries to kill each other. They were trying to start World War III... They had this plan to start this whole Gog and Magog thing again. This time the plan involved starting a limited nuclear war between Iran and Israel. They were going to use that war as an excuse to set up martial law in the G7 countries. They’ve been trying it for quite a long time now — ever since 2001, even before... They are still trying to attack Iran. I’ve had reports now that they are planting nuclear bombs in the seabed off the shore of Tokyo to create another tsunami here. - David Wilcock's interview with Ben Fulford, CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny, Divine Cosmos, December 12, 2011

$9 Gallon Gasoline Will Crash World Economies If WW3 Starts: Greg Hunter Reports 1/2

Alert: Iran Crisis Headed for World War III

January 9, 2012

War in the Middle East now appears imminent as the United States, Britain, the European Union, and Israel put the finishing touches on an embargo on Iran – a de facto declaration of war – and warships steam toward the Persian Gulf.

Consider the following recent developments:

U.S.-Israeli War Game in Persian Gulf

On Friday, the U.S. and Israel announced they plan a massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf in an attempt to confront Iran.

The exercise, dubbed “Austere Challenge 12,” will include the participation of thousands of U.S. and Israeli soldiers and will test multiple air defense systems against incoming missiles and rockets.

On January 2, during its last military exercise, Iran tested its Qader missile, a long-range sea-to-shore missile, and the surface-to-surface Nour missile. The Nour is an “advanced radar-evading, target-seeking, guided and controlled missile and can easily find its target and destroy it,” IRNA reported, quoting 2nd Adm. Seyed Mahmoud Musavi.

Iran Announces New War Game

Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, naval commander for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, said on Friday Iran will conduct a second military exercise in the Persian Gulf in February. He said the drill would be “different compared to previous exercises held by the IRGC” but provided no additional details.

Iran also launched a military maneuver near its border with Afghanistan on Saturday. Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ ground forces, said the “Martyrs of Unity” exercises are “aimed at boosting security along the Iranian borders,” Fars reported.

British Warships Sent

On Saturday, the British Royal Navy annoucned it is sending its most advanced warship to the Persian Gulf. The HMS Daring is a Type 45 destroyer that has the world’s most sophisticated naval radar.

Earlier in the week, British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond warned Iran against blocking the strait after Iran said it would take action if the United States sailed an aircraft carrier through the waterway following an Iranian 10-day military exercise designed to demonstrate its ability to close down the strategic oil passage.

French and Russian Warships Off Syria

The Israeli intelligence asset DEBKAfile reports today that the Russian carrier Admiral Kuznetsov anchored at Syria’s Tartus port on the Mediterranean on Sunday and arrived with the destroyer Admiral Chabanenko and frigate Yaroslav Mudry.

“To counter this movement, France consigned an air defense destroyer Forbin to the waters off Tartus,” DEBKAfile claims.

Reflecting Israel’s propaganda line on Iran and Syria, DEBKAfile claims that its “military sources report the constant escalation of military tension around Iran and Syria in recent days as not just stemming from the rapid advances Iran is making toward production of a nuclear weapon, but from fears in the West and Israel that Tehran and Damascus are in step over their military plans for the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean sectors.”

Ron Paul: Sanctions First Step Toward War

On Sunday, presidential candidate Ron Paul said the increasingly severe sanctions imposed on Iran in response to its unsubstantiated nuclear weapons program are steps that will eventually lead to war.

“Sanctions were the first step in our wars against Iraq and Libya, and now more sanctions planned against Syria and Iran are leading down the same destructive path,” he warned.

Iran is “planning to be bombed” and would understandably make the necessary arrangements to counter the threat, even though there is “no evidence whatsoever” that they have enriched weapons grade uranium, Paul noted.

He also pointed out that the United States government directly intervened in Iran’s internal affairs when the CIA overthrew the democratically elected leader Mohammad Mosaddeq and installed the Shah in 1953.

Oil Prices Rising Along with Tensions

Oil prices are beginning to climb as the United States and Iran prepare for war. Brent North Sea crude for delivery in February climbed 14 cents to $113.20 a barrel in London on Monday. Continued saber-rattling on both sides have forced oil prices to eight-month highs above the 100 dollars per barrel mark.

In addition to shocking world oil prices, the anticipated attack and Iran after a possible closure of the Strait of Hormuz would dramatically impact the global trade in goods.

“If for any reason the strait were closed it would have a huge impact on the economy in the Middle East and would cause a systematic restructuring of flows of goods around the world,” John Manners-Bell, who used to manage European marketing at United Parcel Service Inc., told Bloomberg.

Iranian Missile Base Propaganda

Now that Iran’s Ahmadinejad is visiting Latin America, the discredited rumor that Iran is building intermediate-range missile launch pads at a base on the Paraguaná Peninsula in Venezuela has resurfaced. It was initially floated by the German newspaper Die Welt and subsequently boosted by the Jerusalem Post, a documented neocon propaganda operation. The Post posted the story last May.

The story brings to mind the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962.

According to the Die Welt story, the Iranians paid tens of millions in cash for the base that would be used to fire missiles into the United States after Iran is attacked. It was reported that the Revolutionary Guard-controlled engineering group Khatam al-Anbia is helping build the site.

“From Caracas to Miami is about 1,300 miles, maybe a couple hundred more than from the Peninsula – possibly within the range of Iran’s Ashoura medium-range ballistic missile that can cover a distance of over 1,200 miles,” Robert Johnson wrote for Business Insider last week as the story resurfaced on word of Ahmadinejad’s trip.

Business Insider also reported on a paper produced by latlongpacific that includes coordinates for a possible location and “details on the base and missiles that Iran would likely park there, including the Ghadr-100A with a possible range of 3,000 km or about 1,800 miles,” Johnson writes.

“We have no evidence to support this claim and therefore no reason to believe the assertions made in the article are credible,” the State Department said in response to the story.

Barack Obama’s Allegiance Is Not to America and God, But to the New World Order and Satan

By Saman Mohammadi, The Excavator
October 29, 2011

It is hard to pierce the psychology of psychopathic rulers and politicians without having some understanding of their philosophy towards life. Our civilization would be better served if the belief system of politicians was discussed on the campaign trail and on television. We would all be in for some stomach-turning surprises.

It is a well understood fact that a number of high-level Iranian politicians believe in the coming of the Mahdi. President Ahmadinejad and his closest advisers produced a documentary for senior government officials that showcased their belief in Islamic end times prophecy. Watch the documentary with English subtitles here.

The sensational documentary was made to indoctrinate the soldiers of Islam in Iran and elsewhere into thinking that they are fighting for God and the prophet Muhammad, when in reality they are fighting for the clerical oligarchs and the political elite that rule the Islamic Republic of Iran. Their martyrdom will help pave the way for a new world order.

But the Iranian government is not unique in its belief in end times prophecy. The United States of America is also led by crazy rulers who share similar beliefs about a new age and have similar religious aspirations for the new world. The only difference is they believe in another kind of end times babble, one that is not Islamic or Christian, but Satanic.

Indeed, a Luciferian philosophy is the inspiration for the creation of a new world order and a one world totalitarian government. Barack Obama, like the Bushes and Clinton before him, has spoken of the need for a new world order.

Vice President Joe Biden also expressed his love for the new world order in a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed in 1992 called, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” That’s not really that surprising or scary. I expect big power players to make plans to continue their domination of the world in a new form and under a new flag. That’s just politics.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is known to be a creepy egomaniac with a messianic complex. Netanyahu believes he is the Jewish answer to Winston Churchill and Iran is the 21st century Nazi Germany that represents all evil in the world. It is a very bizarre belief that’s not grounded in reality, but it is very politically convenient and a lot of Israelis are falling for this scam.

The people of Israel seem to be losing sight of the fact that Israel is not an occupied concentration camp under totalitarian rule but a highly advanced military state that can defend itself very easily against the slightest aggression from the Iranian government or any other nation.

But Netanyahu wants to keep the Israeli people in the dark and use their insecurity to seize political glory for himself. He is a danger to Israel and the world because of his demonic nature.

Netanyahu is not the only psychopath who wants a world war and mass death. There are a lot of psychopaths in high places in America, Israel, Iran, England, France, Italy, Russia, and all over the world.

The Earth is truly Satan’s Kingdom. And there are many puppets in politics, the military, media, entertainment and business who love to serve Satan and do evil.

After nearly three years in office, it should be clear to everyone that President Barack Obama is a psychopath who serves Satan. And you can add George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich, John McCain, and many other U.S. political leaders to that list.

When you know that Barack Obama is a Satanic thief and a lying psychopath then you’re not shocked when you see him on late night television with Jay Leno calling the mass murder of the Libyan people by NATO drones and Al-Qaeda terrorists a “recipe for success.” In reaction to that interview, the writer at cryptogon.com wrote:

A recipe for success?

The grinning, shill, international terrorist President of the United States talks up the regime’s atrocities on a late night comedy show, with the host, audience and millions of people out in TV land going along with it…

Holy shit.

Holy shit is right. Barack Obama is evil on the scale of Mt. Olympus, and America is the land of the Dead.

How did America and humanity fall so far, into the very depths of hell? I wish I knew.

Knowing the life-guiding beliefs of major politicians and public officials is more important than knowing their opinions about tax policy or small-scale issues.

And forget politicians’ tax records, the public needs to know their mental health records to find out how their brain works. If they are clinically insane then that fact alone will mean the end of the current political system because it is obviously broken and demonic.

If it is shown that high-level politicians lack basic social qualities like empathy and they show signs of psychopathy and mental illness then they must be taken to mental institutions.

Currently, American political psychopaths are voted into the Congress and the White House by millions of naive and gullible people. [See Beware Corporate Psychopaths – They are Still Occupying Positions of Power]

This is not just a problem in America. Every modern society seems to be under the horrific hypnosis of political and religious power in the hands of totalitarian myth makers who are members of secret societies.

Another question we should be asking is who is more mentally sick? The blind sheepish believer that is the modern voter, or the arrogant psychopathic deceiver that is the modern politician?

Both are obviously made for each other.

The rest of us have to watch the dark show and suffer because we get ridiculed by the first group and killed by the second group.

Many people believe there is a war between heaven and hell that is being fought right now. I used to regard those beliefs as spiritual in nature and having no significance in politics and real life. But discovering that the highest political leaders in America and around the world frequently flash the Satanic hand sign has given me second doubts.

Read more here

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